Friday, 29 June 2012

diy friday: magical mushrooms

Q.  What did one mushroom say to the other mushroom?

A.  You're a fun guy!  (Get it?  Fun-guy?  Fungi?)  Hahahaha!

Ok, I admit I learned that joke way back in elementary school, but I still think its cute. 

And so are these origami mushrooms!

You can make your own "fun guy" with any paper you like. 

Some origami papers work really well, but I also love the unpredictability and uniqueness of magazine ads. 

Makes the origami 'shrooms look a little... well... magical!

What you need:

Mushroomy looking paper.

What to do:

Follow one of these diagrams on origami club. Or these on  Or look around, there are so many out there to forage for! 

Warning:  Do not eat - wild mushrooms can be toxic! ;-)

Thursday, 21 June 2012

diy friday: heart shaped paper plates

Today on diy friday we're folding sweet heart shaped paper plates for picnics, parties and snacks. 

What you need:

12" square paper for a dinner plate, 6" for a side plate or smaller for tiny treats.

What to do:

Follow this video by Leyla Torres for the heart dish by Ildoko Vass from Hungary on

That's it!  Once you get the hang of it, you can fold each plate in less than a minute!

Friday, 8 June 2012

diy friday - lucky star wishing wand

There's a legend in Japan that if you fold one thousand origami cranes your wish will be granted.  That noble endeavor can take the average folder more than 60 hours!

Here's a short cut:  Fold a "fairy" tiny lucky star wishing wand and say the magic words! 

What you need:

- A strip of paper 1/2 inch x 11 inches.
- A cocktail stick or toothpick.
- An embroidery needle.
- Nail polish or paint.
- Ribbon and glue (optional).

What to do:

2) Paint the stick.  Let it dry.
3) Carefully poke a hole between two arms of the star.
4) Tie ribbons around the stick.
5) Optional - Put glue on the sharp end.
6) Insert the stick into the hole up to the upper arm of the star (don't poke it all the way through).

Make a wish!

Thursday, 7 June 2012

origami for beginners wordsearch puzzle

oneloveorigami is proud to present our first ever origami wordsearch puzzle on Armored Penguin! 

You can click here to print or share.

Good luck and have fun!
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